Poacher 2022

Alchemy Fireworks display for International Scouts Jamboree Poacher 2022. Tasked with providing a display for 5,500 scouts with very little safety distance we first set about creating a soundtrack for all ages that would suit the type of material that we could fire. With just 16m to the audience from the main firing positions material was very carefully chosen to suit the area. For this show we mainly used Europla Eco Shots. These are zero-debris fireworks from Europe that can be used to accurately punctuate pieces of music and rhythms and they are available in the most amazing colour range! We had earmarked a field to very rear of the site for larger aerial shells but due to the extremely dry weather and the risk of fire this was ruled out and instead we fired from the car park to the rear of the Epic Centre. To get the material high enough to be seen clearly above the building we used 2 x scissor lift platforms to raise the material 8m from the ground. Again, due to restrictions on fallout areas we had to carefully choose what material we fired so that no large pieces of burning material would hit the ground.